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Swing Tickets

Here are a few images of swing tickets that I have made using Photoshop CS5. Again I used the same dimensions from my business cards but flipped it so the tickets would appear to be vertical. I experimented with my chosen colour combination and my logo. here are the results. 

Here are two images of swing tag layouts I drew free hand. I was inspired by the luxurious shapes of baroque mirrors. Ideally I would've used some of these shapes for my swing tags, however I found it difficult to draw it on Photoshop and when I scanned them in, it looked rough and like an amateur drew it. i can imagine these swing tickets being printed on card with gold etching around the border of the designs. 

Here are a few examples of my swing tickets. I created these using Photoshop CS5. I stuck to the brand's signature of black and gold. I used my brand logo and the black wallpaper as I feel it adds consistency. I like the simple shape of my swing tickets however if I wanted to produce these tickets professionally I would use an interesting shape ( referring to the designs I sketched above) and emboss the brand name.

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